this blog to help the begginers in the ERP system field by giving a few hints and description. the main goal of the blog to give an overview of every module at this time. by the time we can discuss every module in details

Saturday, February 6, 2010

How does the Applications proctect your sessions??

  After this lesson you will know how the applications protects your user,  your data and your information.

  From the beginning of release 12.1 if any one try to log in the applications or  trying to guess your password during your absence. the applications keeps the number of these trying. After  logging in successfully , a message is raised :showing how many times does  another one try to use your user name and gives you an advice to change your password.

  The next screen shot shows a practical case of some one who tried to guess my password and the advice of the applications to me. If you want to try this case, try to log in wrongly many times before logging in successfully and you will experience this case.

  The applications not only protects your fresh log in but also protect your work. For example if you was working on the applications and your manager asked you to bring some thing to him , you left your computer and the applications without log off or log out. in the previous case the applications after a certain time if your session is idle it is automatically log off and if you want to back to your work , the applications raises a message which asks you to log in again. The next screen shot is showing that.

if you left your session and tried to work again

  If you want to proceed with your work, press yes and an HTML page will be opened with your user name and asks you for the password.

press OK, if you log in

  These case happened in the form-based forms but in the HTML-based forms the session expired immediately and you can not continue with your work. The next screen shot shows the message if the session is expired.

  That is enough for now. If any one have any question do not hesitate contacting me, just leave your question in the posts. See you next lesson.


  1. many thanks for these nice lessons,

    how can I get a copy of Ebussiness-Suite and install it on my pc??

  2. you can download it malek from
    in other lesson I will discuss how tp install the applications on linux.
    you can send me your email to send you a pdf on how to install the applications.

    mohammed el-masry

